- I thank all around me, close and far, for contributing generously to my enduring success
- I enjoy the company of hope, patience, wisdom, courage, and compassion.
- I invite the abundance of the universe to inhabit my heart, mind, body and spirit.
- I reaffirm all my intentions through relevant and adequate actions.
- Action is the language of intentions. My highest self speaks to me when I am in the serenity of silence.
- The higher self within speaks the truth and guides me to courage and trust.
- I radiate peace, harmony, and joy in every breath I breathe.
- Watching the breath is a contemplative activity for contemplating peace, harmony and joy.
- I choose the power of my faith to overcome the power of my fear.
- Both fear and faith are my projections of the future. May the best projection win!
- My affirmations reaffirm my faith in my essential spiritual nature.
- My mind is my interface with the world and I keep it clear and clean to have an authentic experience of the world.
- Life is a bed of red hot coals at times, and I choose to walkthrough them with trust and faith.
- Today I choose to be at peace with myself and the world. All is well.
- Nothing is perfect. There is a lot to be done. But I give my best shot and come to terms with what is and what needs to be done.
- I let go of my unrealistic expectations by seeing the futility of holding on to them.
- I can only hold on to what is, never to what is not.
- I am a human being like other all other beings, loveable and capable by nature.
- Being Loveable means being deserving of love as well as being able to be loving.
- Feeling low is a sign of being off centre.... a sign that I need to rest, recuperate, renew, and reaffirm my inner authentic nature.
- Our worst emerges when we are under stress and vice versa .... a self sustaining cycle. The test of maturity is how well we are able to circumvent this cycle and create a positive cycle of inner leisure and emotional health.
- My emotions help me navigate life, through feedback about me and my journey.
- Emotions are the eyes and ears and speech of the heart.
- My inner Compass guides me and reminds me of my highest possibilities.
- The world yields way to one who knows where to go and is determined to get there.
- Today and everyday, I grow through wisdom, love, health, work, and prosperity.
- Today I choose consciously to be aware of my ability to make better and healthier choices.
- When every thing is said and done, one can only wait and pray...... prayatnam, kaalam,daivam
- When everything is said and done, to say and do more is counterproductive. When everything is said and done, well..... everything is said and done! :)
- I will probably be laughing about this "tough time" six months from now. Life is not so bad. Things could be worse. If the worst has happened, things can only get better. And if the worst cant get better, it is a new beginning.
- I choose to believe that each of us were created with our unique purpose. The world needs every one of us to rise to our full height through self trust, goodness, contribution, and wisdom.
- Success is merely a belief away.....
- When everything is lost, there is still hope. Every breath fully breathed is a renewal of hope about better things to come.
- Passion to learn and share motivates me go that extra mile.
- Self-confidence is the trust I have in myself to find better answers.
- I choose to relax, exercise, pray, work, contribute and enjoy this day.
- The ego isolates us from knowing or accepting what is. The ego nurses old hurts and bitterness to distance us from others..... part of our past program or experience. Has a lot to do with ignorance and beliefs about others' ways of living, thinking, habits, culture, religion and political affiliation. Ego reaction is different from the practical approach that helps us learns from past experiences.
- Giving comes with a double blessing. It makes you feel rich, and you receive the blessings of the recipient. The real joy for the giver is the glow that lights up the face of the recipient.... be it in terms of knowledge, help, empathy, money, or respect.
- Knowledge is seeing what is as is. Ignorance has different ways of seeing. Imagination has infinite ways.
- I choose happiness, therefore i am happy.